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Nagoyan the Earthhopper has been keeping an eye on super typhoon Nabi, which is tracking for Okinawa and possibly thereafter the Koreas, ETA September 7. Over on Google Maps Mania, he links to Digital Typhoon, a site maintained by Japan's...
カトリーナに壊滅的打撃を受けたニューオーリンズに思いを馳せているうちに、自分のところもやばいことになってきた。 猛烈な台風14号「ナービー(Nabi)」。沖縄に接近中 これまでのは先島や台湾方面に行っていたが、今回の14号は沖縄本島をまともに直撃しそう。 しかも..
これはまずいよ。なんで Nabi なんて名前なんだ。デジタル台風
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Eyephoon ( is participatory media for the aggregation, organization, and dissemination of typhoon information based on personal experiences, such as disasters happening around you. Observe the typhoon by your own eyes, and send a trackback from your blog, or send a mail from your mobile phone. A more dynamic representation of this site can be viewed at Typhoon Front, and public typhoon information is provided at Digital Typhoon. Please note that the reliability of the contents of trackbacks should be judged by yourself. [Read more...]
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